Monday, June 3, 2013

Give Yourself a Break...

Give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up!

Everyone makes mistakes, and has setbacks and failures. You don’t come with a book on how to get it right all the time. You will fail sometimes…not because you planned to…but simply because you’re human. Failure is a part of creating a great life. Stand up to it, and handle it with grace…because you can.

Take ownership for where you are, and move forward with a spirit of optimism and positive expectation that you will get through whatever you are facing. It’s possible to remain joyful, grateful, and compassionate, even in the face of your worst mistake.

Learn the lesson, and then resolve to grow from it. This situation is a teacher which allowed you to gain the knowledge of who you need to be in order to create who you can become. You have more to give…more to learn…and more to share. Your best is yet to come!

- Les Brown


rules fro a perfect day


Rules for a Perfect Day

by Tom Hopkins


I will try to live and delight in the reality of being alive. My past is forever gone, my future an uncertainty, so I will be happy and thankful for each moment.

I will not allow negative input into my mind…happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy.

I will be thankful to God for my health, my loved ones, my business, and my country. I will also be thankful for any pain in crisis that helps me grow because God has said, be thankful in all things.

I will take care of my body, realizing the importance of the words moderation and balance, knowing that as I bring my flesh under control, how much easier it will be to control my will and my actions.

I will treat everyone I meet today the way I would like to be treated. I will strive to have them like themselves better when they’re with me.

I will avoid gossip, jealousy, and negative thinking. Most people don’t think about what they think about. Today, I will make a conscious effort to hold loving and beautiful thoughts in my mind.

I will write down my priorities; thinking of my loved ones and my responsibilities. I may not get everything done, but I will do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.

I will strive to humble myself before others, controlling my ego and making other people feel important.

I will spend time in study, learning how to better serve my fellowman. I know my growth in all areas is in direct proportion to the service I give to others.

I will not take rejection personally. I am first and foremost in the people business and, thus, realize they can only reject my proposal and not me. I will keep on keepin’ on.

“To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.”

It is easy to hide what we truly feel or not act upon what we say.
It may be because we fear being judged, or we may not want to commit to something entirely. However acting on your beliefs and doing the things you believe to be right is the only true way to be free and to express yourself.
Walk freely and boldly in your is the only honest way to live.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Every Ending is a New Beginning

Each sunset is the start of a new sunrise. The sun inevitably goes down, and it inevitably comes up again.

Sometimes we can’t wait for things to end; sometimes we wish they would never end; sometimes we bring about endings ourselves, and sometimes the endings are out of our control. But endings, although sometimes painful, are inevitable.

Another way to view an ending is as a necessity. Each sunset is necessary to have a new sunrise. Without endings we cannot have new beginnings. When things end, we can get caught up in the past. We don’t want to go back to real life after a holiday, we don’t want a perfect day to end, we don’t want to let go of someone we love, even when it’s over.

Noticing how we feel about things coming to an end doesn’t stop the ending happening, or make it any easier, but it deepens our awareness of what’s missing, what’s wanting, what we’re needing, knowledge we can take forward and use. Whatever we wish we had done during one day, we will get a fresh chance to do it the next.

Every day is a fresh start. You have to make a decision how to use yours.

Take Charge of Your Life

Are you living your life as it is meant to be?

Are you happy and fulfilled?

Do you wake up every morning excited as to what the day has to offer, or do you want to roll over and never get out of bed, dreading what you have to face?

If it is the latter, then things need to change, and they need to change fast! Life is meant to be loved and lived fully! It really doesn’t matter what your circumstances are right now, tomorrow and the future is yours to do WHATEVER you please with. Take action TODAY to make tomorrow and every day AMAZING!

Take Charge of Your Life Today...

Know your purpose. Living on purpose is a HUGE part of feeling happy and fulfilled. First you must know what your purpose is, know exactly why you are here on this planet. If you are spending your days doing everything but what you are here to do, you will end up feeling frustrated, depressed and empty inside. When you live on purpose, you are energized, excited about life and have the drive and motivation to achieve greatness. click here

Have a clear vision. Once you know your purpose, use visualization to fast forward your journey towards success. See yourself living your life as it is meant to be. Utilize all of your senses to make your vision as real as possible. Imagine that it is already happening, as if the future is here now and you are experiencing everything exactly as you wish your life to be.

Believe – Believe in yourself and in your dream. Believe in your vision. As Napoleon Hill is famous for saying, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” Know like you know like you KNOW that what ever you want is YOURS. That your dreams ARE a reality. That you WILL achieve whatever it is you desire. Believe in your success and it will happen.

Take Inspired Action. Once you know your purpose, you have a clear vision and you believe in yourself, you need to take action. You will begin to get ideas that will propel you to success. Act on them! Have a clearly defined plan of action and follow it religiously . Do the required tasks that will lead you to your goal.

Commit – Commit to your action plan and don’t let anything get in your way. Because you are living on purpose, you should be inspired and energized so committing to winning is easy. Make a commitment that every single day you will work towards your dreams and nothing, absolutely nothing will ever stop you.

Never Quit – Winners never quit and quitters never win. Of course you should continually evaluate your progress towards your goal, and make necessary changes to your plan as necessary. Always stay true to your purpose and never quit believing in your dreams.

Surround Yourself with Supporters. Constantly spend time with people who love and support you and your dreams.

Take Charge of Your Life – Go For It!

Now is the time to take charge of your life. Today, make the changes you need to make. Make a plan, take a chance, make today the day that you will look back on and say “Wow, I remember that time when I decided I had had ENOUGH, and I was not going to live my life feeling frustrated and miserable. The day that I said..I am taking charge of my life and I am going to be happy and fulfilled! That day I took action and today I am living the life of my dreams!" Take action today.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Create Wealth: Think Like an Entrepreneur

Our current economy is unbalanced. The statistics show the rich are getting richer and the middle class are becoming poor. We can sit around arguing, pointing fingers blaming our Government, Wall Street, Corporate Greed, or we can take matters into our own hands. Become your own CEO and Think like an ENTREPRENEUR! An affordable way to become an Entrepreneur is to start a home based business in a Direct Selling company, also referred to as Network Marketing or MLM.

What does the future hold for you?

Do you have a Plan B?

While I’m not telling you to quit your 9 to 5 job, I would recommend starting a home based business. There are some excellent direct selling companies out there where you can generate extra cash and build residual income. In my opinion, starting a home based business is a great way to protect your future. Even back in the Ronald Reagan times when there was more prosperity, this president said “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all of the economic growth in the United States.” Decades later, the same principals and philosophy ring true.

Entrepreneurs are a treasure, and in my direct selling companies, members/associates are encouraged and rewarded generously for their effort. Depending on how serious you are about your business, you can earn money to put food on your table, pay your rent or mortgage, make a car payment or take care of other household expenses. For those people with loftier goals, how wonderful is it to take luxury vacations, dine at first class restaurants, buy expensive jewelry and splurge on the finer things in life. As your own boss, you are in control of your destiny. It is now more important than ever to take charge of your finances and secure your future.

“The next great growth explosion in our economy will come from network marketing” – Zig Ziglar

Start your own home based business today and start making money with a proven success system!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

What I Carry: 10 Tools for Success

What we carry with us in our everyday lives and interactions is just as important for our success as our technical skills and achievements.

This is what I carry with me. What do YOU carry?